The heart is a beautiful thing...
The heart of a man is a mysterious thing. It’s a beautiful thing.
God knows the secrets of the heart. We tend to take this as referring to the things that are not so noble and honest; however, He also knows the good things – the dreams, the creativity, the imagination, the passions, the hopes and so on. A good father or mother will see this in a child and celebrate it. “He’s going to be an engineer.” “He’s going to be a doctor.” “He’s going to be an entertainer.”
I was fortunate to have a noble father and mother. His life was a tremendous contribution to the earth we live in. A broken heart can be limited in ability to contribute. This is why it’s important to get our hearts healed up, by the grace of God, the help of others, and receiving truth on which to rebuild. We can then progress in healing and reaching out to the world around us, making contributions of one kind or another every day of our lives – even if it’s a smile or encouraging tone in a comment to a stranger (or loved one!).
In our vocation, we each have unique gift-mixes. These gift-mixes are combined with our personality, formed day after day and year after year to make us the person we are. We honour people who make major positive contributions in history, and rightly so. At the same time, we can remember to celebrate those who are maybe less renown, but nevertheless are channels of heaven on earth wherever they are and wherever they go.
The dreams and big visions we may carry for our lives and the world around us may take years, or even generations to see come into fruition. But every day, there are deposits of virtue, excellence and kindness that we can make to bring more and more heaven on earth.